Sound on Screen - Film Festival Edition

Universum Cinema and Music Café Riptide have been working together for over six years: once a month they show a highlight of musical film with an aftershow party or club night. And since 2014 they`ve also held a Sound on Screen Festival Edition. The speciality being the two categories: Spotlight and Special. In Spotlight there are five new music documentaries from all over the world: From the LOS PUNKS of LA`s backstreets to the worldwide electro-creative network of MAN FROM MO’WAX to the Visual-Kei-Band X Japan. Our Special this year: The Sound of Northern England – Liverpool-Manchester-Sheffield. Four documentaries (three German premiers), exciting guests and further programme highlights - music videos, readings, a party in Riptide, a silent film concert – bring the sound of Northern England to Braunschweig. Far from London a special music culture evolved, which went on to conquer the whole world. Some of the labels include Mersey Beat, Post Punk and Britpop. Musical creativity as a reaction to economic downfall is the connecting element – yet the sound itself is extremely diverse. We hope you enjoy the exciting city tour!
