STORIES: THE PATH OF DESTINIES Interaktives Videospielkonzert

(orig. STORIES: THE PATH OF DESTINIES Interaktives Videospielkonzert)

  • STORIES: THE PATH OF DESTINIES Interaktives Videospielkonzert


In video games, the music adapts to the player's actions – an exciting challenge for a new kind of live-togame concert. The BIFF brings live music from the Braunschweig State Orchestra onto the stage. A player plays live – and the conductor and orchestra have to react to the course of the game. The setting of the award-winning RPG from Spearhead Games is a dynamic fairytale universe in which a hero takes on a crazy emperor. Each decision leads to a different one of the 120 game sequences and is accompanied by appropriate music. The composers have developed the adaptive live performance over many years. Cooperation with SoundTrack_Cologne, NEXT LEVEL Festival for Games and NRW KULTURsekretariat.



  • 20.11.2019 20:30 Staatstheater Braunschweig Probebühne 1/2