1916-1923: Krieg und Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit

2018 is the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War 1 and the evolutionary upheavals in numerous countries. The November Revolution in Germany, the emergence of the Weimar Republic and its crisis years up to 1923 reflect a radical change, the end of an old world and the beginning of a new era. In Braunschweig, the Duke had to abdicate on 8th November 1918 and this created a socialist soviet republic WAR AND BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA is one facet that the Braunschweig International Film Festival contributes to the project, which is supported by many involved parties. Apart from two big film concerts, BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN for the opening of the Film Festival and ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT – both have had new sound added and will be accompanied by the Braunschweig State Orchestra – the Film Festival presents five films and a short film programme which deal with war, revolution and the period following in cinematically very different ways. for a short time. “From the Braunschweig Duchy to a Free State – Braunschweig‘s Way to Democracy (1916-1923)” is what the large-scale cultural project is called that the city of Braunschweig set out for 2018. The film series
