2001: ODYSSEE IM WELTRAUM - Braunschweig International Film Festival travels through space with Planetarium Wolfsburg

On Friday, March 17, the first program highlight of this year's Braunschweig International Film Festival (BIFF) will take place: In cooperation with the Planetarium Wolfsburg, the 55th anniversary of the science fiction classic 2001: ODYSSEE IN SPACE by legendary director Stanley Kubrick will be celebrated.

Also during the year: Exciting special events are already planned.

In November 2023, the BIFF, as the oldest film festival in Lower Saxony, will already enter its 37th festival edition. Just like last year, the festival program in 2023 will again include a number of special events during the year. The first will take place on Friday, March 17, in cooperation with the Wolfsburg Planetarium. "Regional cohesion is an important concern for us as a film festival. With our special events, we want to provide film fans with exceptional film experiences in advance," says festival and organization director Anke Hagenbüchner-Sobiech. Director colleague Karina Gauerhof adds, "The Wolfsburg Planetarium is an incredibly exciting venue for us. We're totally excited to travel to Wolfsburg in the planetarium dome with a classic film like Kubrick's 2001." Other special events are planned in the near future to shorten the wait for the upcoming BIFF in November.


Regional cooperation on 55th anniversary: Wolfsburg Planetarium and BIFF celebrate milestone in science fiction film history

"I am very pleased that the Wolfsburg Planetarium and the Braunschweig International Film Festival will be cooperating again this year, as the constant and continuous networking with strong and, above all, creative partners:in the region is of great concern to us. What could be more obvious than to transform parts of our imposing 15-meter dome ceiling into two film screens together with the Film Festival and to organize a special planetary film evening on a real classic of film history," says Eileen Pollex, managing director of the Planetarium Wolfsburg, looking forward to the upcoming event. What is special about the cinematic work is that although it was made before the first manned moon landing, the film used sophisticated trick technology to deliver fascinating, realistic-looking images of outer space. It was an overall audiovisual experience that revolutionized the entire genre - a milestone in science fiction cinema.


The film, which premiered on April 2, 1968, influenced generations of directors. On its fiftieth anniversary, the film was given a limited re-release in theaters - on a Cinerama 70mm print. As the title suggests, the action takes place in the year 2001: After the discovery of a monolith on the moon, astronauts Bowman and Poole set off on a journey to Jupiter in the spaceship Discovery to gather information about possible extraterrestrial life.