Competition for the German-French Youth Award »KINEMA«

Not only does the Festival celebrate a round birthday but the »Kinema« jury as well! The Franco-German Youth Prize »Kinema« is being awarded for the 10th time. Together with the Lower Saxony school cinema project “Kinema” and the Franco-German Youth Office, the Festival has developed a concept which enables young people from both countries to take part actively in an international film festival. A jury of five made up of young French and German people between 16 and 21 choose the winner from among 6 debut and six feature films. The German director, Gordian Maugg, will assist the jury during their discussions in two languages and with their decisions. The competition films DIE HABENICHTSE and BEAT BEAT HEART come from Germany and DIE EINSIEDLER is a German-Austrian coproduction; the three films, ROSALIE BLUM, TORIL and A TASTE OF INK, which have their German premiere, come from France. The »KINEMA«-Youth Prize is supported by the state of Lower Saxony, the Franco-German Youth Office, the region of Normandy, the Académie de Rouen, the Friedrich-Walz-Foundation and the Antenne Métropole of the metropolitan region of Hanover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg.
