(orig. COPS)

  • COPS

Austria 2018
Language: German
Subtitles: English
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Director: Stefan A. Lukacs
Cinematographer: Andreas Thalhammer, Xiaosu Han
Script: Stefan A. Lukacs
Editor: Julia Drack
Cast: Laurence Rupp, Anton Noori, Maria Hofstätter
Producer: Arash T. Riahi, Karin C. Berger
Production Company: Golden Girls Filmproduktion GmbH
Music: Wolfgang Frisch, MMarkus Kienzl
Sound: Claus Benischke-Lang
Distributor: EastWest Filmdistribution GmbH
Lenght: 93 Min.
Format: DCP
Color: Farbe
Age Limit: <

Christoph is a trainee police officer at WEGA, the Viennese Special Task Force – each day full of testosterone, confrontation and group pressure. When he shoots a man, supposedly in self-defence, he is celebrated by his colleagues as a hero, but in the world outside the reaction is critical. Lukacs addresses the theme of police violence, inspired by the question: ”How do policemen function among themselves in their own microcosm?” Although it is strongly critical of the prevailing police system, the film cannot be seen purely as an anti-police film. Lukacs` main concern rather is to point out the problems in the system and to exemplify them. The film is incredibly topical and relevant.

