(orig. MORGEN)


Germany 2017
Language: German
Subtitles: English
Genre: Drama
Director: Kollektivfilm
Cinematographer: Hanno Dall, Maximilian Engel
Script: Kollektivfilm
Editor: Kollektivfilm
Cast: Thomas Schweiberer, Josefine Soppa, Rita Feldmeier
Producer: Antje Renhak, Fabian Riemen
Production Company: Kollektivfilm
Sound: André Gorjatschow
Distributer: Kollektivfilm
Lenght: 96 Min.
Format: DCP
Color: Farbe
Age Limit: <

MORGEN proves that the proverb ”Too many cooks spoil the broth.” isn`t correct. After all, that`s exactly why this feature film of the collective of five directors captivates us with its unique characters. We all know that our lifestyle, by thoughtlessly using Nature, has an effect on our life. Yet we continue to believe that this only applies to others and successfully repress it. MORGEN is about the demolition of the town of Mühlberg, which has become unsafe because of coal mining. The inhabitants are now forced to come to terms not only with their future but also with their past. And sometimes reality is hard to accept.

