Public Reading: "Immer auf dem Teppich bleiben" - Dieter Kosslick visits the UNIVERSUM Filmtheater!

In his anecdotal autobiography, the long-time director of the Berlinale calls for the cinema to be saved...

Public Reading: "Immer auf dem Teppich bleiben" - Dieter Kosslick visits the UNIVERSUM Filmtheater.

In his anecdotal autobiography, the long-time director of the Berlinale calls for the cinema to be saved... On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 7:00 p.m., the Universum Filmtheater will host a reading with Dieter Kosslick, the long-term director of the Berlinale. But more important to him than stars and glamour has always been the claim to show films that have the power to change society.


Shortly after the turn of the millennium, his mottos were »accept diversity« and »towards tolerance«. The Berlinale became the world's first CO2-certified film festival; Commitment to justice and human dignity shaped the character of the festival. But with Corona, cinema has also plunged into a serious crisis, which has become existential with the advent of streaming services. In this personal and anecdotal book, Dieter Kosslick provides information on how cinema must work in the future and why the film industry in particular urgently needs to learn to produce more sustainably.


Dieter Kosslick calls for saving cinema – and describes how this can be achieved. He describes his love of film, his adventurous experiences as head of the Berlinale and why he is convinced that films can change the world. This is followed by a screening of GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (Wes Anderson, 2014), one of his favourite films, which Dieter Kosslick brought to the Berlinale as a world premiere in 2014.


Entrance fee:

Reading OR film: 8,50 €

Reading + film in double feature: 15,00 €